“You have to learn the rules of the game.

And then you have to play better than anyone else.”

– Albert Einstein

achieve true freedom

Many of us got into real estate as a path to gain financial and time freedom.

And most of us are struggling to get there.

My business partner Lars wrote a book Scale or Die! It's a step-by-step guide on how to grow and scale your real estate business to achieve true time and money freedom and live your life without regrets.

This will give you the edge... the advantage... the secret to playing the game of real estate better than anyone else.

Why are we giving this away for FREE?

Find out below...

Hi, I'm Cece...

I thought real estate would give me more time with my family...

I thought it would accelerate my goal of generating passive income...

So I learned the rules of the game and I started playing. In my first year as a Realtor, I achieved a 6-figure income and was selling plenty of houses.

I was "successful" in the eyes of my colleagues, but was I gaining more freedom?

No, instead I was stuck on the "transaction treadmill" always chasing the next deal.

I was working more and more hours, calling leads on weekends, writing offers late at night, keeping deals together during my family vacations, and slowly building my business... the traditional way.

One day, I had a wake up call.

A literal call with my (now) business partner, Lars Hedenborg, founder of Real Estate B-School.

Through this strategy growth call, I realized the traditional real estate model has set agents up for failure.

I started wondering... are there really agents that have true time and money freedom??

The truth is that the real wealth and freedom was enjoyed by the top brokerage execs and franchise owners in the traditional real estate model.

The traditional model is set up to take advantage of overworked and underpaid real estate agents and team leaders like you and me.

When I finally discovered how to get out of the traditional real estate model and into one where I'm actually experiencing time and money freedom... everything changed.

Are you ready for your "wake up" call?


The Real Estate Industry & Traditional Coaching Companies Have Set You Up For Failure.

  • You don’t have the necessary tools and systems in place to scale
  • You haven't been able to attract the right people to help you grow
  • The crazy hours and increasing stress are taking their toll at home
  • You have failed to develop and execute a clear growth plan
  • You are struggling financially and can't seem to get ahead
  • You can't seem to find the time to work "ON" your business
  • You don't have a clear vision of where your business is headed
  • You may not even believe that building a real business is possible

Real Estate B-School provides the tools, systems and strategies to help real estate agents and team leaders achieve true business freedom & live a life without regrets.

You Deserve to Build an Amazing Real Estate Business Without Losing Your Life in the Process

The Real Estate Industry & Traditional Coaching & Training Methods Have Set You Up For Failure.

  • You don’t have the necessary tools and systems to scale
  • You haven't been able to attract the right people
  • The crazy hours and stress are taking their toll at home
  • You have failed to develop and execute a clear growth plan
  • You are struggling financially and can't seem to get ahead
  • You can't seem to find the time to work "ON" your business
  • You don't have a clear vision of where your business is headed
  • You may not even believe that growth with freedom is possible

My business partner, Lars, founded Real Estate B-School (REBS) to provide the tools, systems and strategies to help real estate agents and team leaders achieve true business freedom & live a life without regrets.

Check out the Case Studies below to see what's possible when you Partner with us at eXp Realty!

Not only is growing your real estate business possible, it is highly predictable when you have access to the right tools, systems and training.

Check out the Case Studies below to see what's possible when you partner with us!

Dan Jones

Dan went from working 60-70 hrs/wk down to just 35 hours AND 4x'd his income. He was even able to take 2 months off once his daughter was born! Now he's confident with where his business is, and excited about the continued growth!

Dave Friedman

Dave has 10x'd his business since he first started working with Real Estate B-School. He went from working over 80 hrs each week to taking 15 weeks of vacation each year. Thanks to REBS he was able to create predictable and consistent growth!

Stacie Peterson

Stacie grew her team, tripled her business, made the move from top producer to business owner and exited production within 6 months! She was ultimately able to sell her business for a 7-figure sum and now she's full time coaching and serving!

Andy Mulholland

Andy 2x'd his yearly transactions, 3x'd the size of his team, and achieved his goal of being able to exit production. Now he works just one day a week and is able to spend more time with his family than ever before!

Kerby Skurat

Kerby drastically reduced his work hours, while going from just him and his wife to over 700 transactions in a single year. By focusing on dollar-productive tasks he was achieve true time and money freedom!

Tyler Goff

Tyler was able to build a team with the structure that allowed him to spend more time working on the business rather than in the business. This allowed him to increase his revenue & reclaim his time.

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You Owe it to Yourself & Your Family to Carefully Study This Opportunity. It Is Much More Than a Cloud Based Brokerage.


How to Scale and Grow Your Business in a way that gives you time and money freedom.

The path from struggling agent to business owner that no ones us about.

Book a strategy session to get the clear steps necessary for you to achieve your goals

© Cece Wong. All Rights Reserved.